Saturday, May 10, 2008

Radiation Therapy

It is Saturday morning and I thought I would give a brief update on the radiation treatment. I have now had a total of 7 treatments to both the primary tumor in my arm pit and also to the lesion in my back. I met with Dr. Hitchcock (my radiation oncologist) on Wednesday to review the treatments and such.

She informed me that the primary tumor will receive 25 total treatments and that the lesion in my vertebrae (T8) will receive 20. Other than that, the treatment will continue. I have had no significant side effects or problems with the treatments. However, I do notice some tenderness in the area of the primary tumor and last night, I did notice some burning of the skin in the area of my arm pit. These symptoms were all explained prior to starting treatment as things to expect. So far, I can live with it. They did tell me that the side effects would become more pronounced after the second week. Oh, I still struggle with fatigue and lack of stamina. I can't believe how pooped out I get when doing little things around the house or yard.

I have to brag about some wonderful neighbors. I have been working on building a small block retaining wall on both sides of my driveway for about two years. Last year, I started on the North side of the driveway and would be able to work for a couple of hours digging and stacking these heavy blocks and then I'd have to rest because of my lower back pain. Well, a month or so ago, the boy scouts in our ward asked if they could help with the wall as a service project. Who am I to turn down free labor? They came one night with their leaders and worked for a couple of hours and got that side finished. Unfortunately due to other activities, they haven't been able to return to work on the other side.

This past Tuesday, I got a call from a good friend and neighbor asking if he, his wife and another neighbor could come by and work on the walls. The three of them showed up and spent a number of hours and got the entire south side of the driveway done. I can't believe it! It took me all summer last year to go several feet. These two groups of wonderful people did the entire thing in a matter of hours. I am so impress and my back is so thankful!

So here are some pictures:

On the left is the South wall and on the right is the North wall. Sorry that you can't see the North wall very well, the sun was shining and obliterated half of the wall as it goes out front of the house. Anyway, you get the idea.

I am completely blown away by the kindness of so many people. Neighbors and friends have brought meals and called and visited. A couple of Saturdays ago, 24 neighbors showed up (a day or two after my first chemo treatment when I was really sick) and cleaned up my yard. They pruned trees and shrubs and raked up leaves and mowed the lawn. It was wonderful.

Professional friends and associates have contributed financially and that has been an enormous help too. We travel about 90+ miles round trip daily for the radiation treatments, doctors visits, tests and other treatments and with gas prices as they are, that has been an enormous expense as well. The medical bills have been coming in and even after insurance, they are significant. Just this past week, we have received over $700.00 in bills for co-pay amounts. Not working at either my primary employment at the University of Utah or my secondary employment at Timpanogos Family Medicine or the ER job at Timpanogos Regional Hospital has cut into our monthly income by about $1,200.00 to $1,500.00 so that has been a significant monthly drop. Thanks to these generous people, we are meeting all of our obligations so far.

Thank you to everyone for support of every kind. The e-mails and cards are wonderful. The visits and meals are equally appreciated. The labor and help around the house are very much appreciated by my back. Thanks everyone! We so appreciate it all. May God bless you, each and every one.

Jim, Patti and family.

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