Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Radiation Therapy update

I completed treatment number 15 today. That leaves 5 more on my back and 10 more on the primary tumor. Up until the last couple of days, I haven't had much in the way of side effects from the treatments, but now I am starting to feel more tired and worn out. I have also noticed increase tenderness in the primary tumor and today, I started feeling some achiness in my back as well. Ibuprofen seems to help. The 90+ mile round trip to the Huntsman Cancer Hospital every day gets old too.

Patti and I met with Dr. Hitchcock, my radiation oncologist and reviewed the treatment schedule and she asked how I was feeling. She also noted that I am developing radiation rash on my back somewhat. I hadn't noticed, but in two distinct areas, I have what looks like sunburn from the radiation. Fortunately for me, I can't feel it, yet. She warned me during my first consultation that these areas can actually break down and become quite bothersome. She told me today to start using moisturizing cream and to keep an eye on them. I will, I will.

Two weeks ago, we celebrated Mother's day and had all of our children and grandchildren over for a dinner. It was wonderful to have family together and visit. Here is a picture of Patti and I on that day.

Thanks as always to everyone for your kind thoughts and wishes. We so appreciate the support we are receiving from neighbors, family and friends, far and near.

God bless you all.

Jim & Patti


Susan said...

You wear 'bald' well. :) Hang in there! We're still cheering for you!

Anonymous said...

Jim, we'll all be thinking of you this weekend at the PA conference in San Antonio.

Anonymous said...

Rick Pope here. Mike told me of your recent events. I was stunned. However you look a little like Telly Savalas but with a much nicer disposition. We have you on our prayer list at our United Congregational Church in my hometown of Southbury. I will keep you there in my prayers as well.
Rick and Julie Pope.