Saturday, February 7, 2009

SURGERY - testing my heart

During the visit with the cardiothoracic surgeon on Wednesday, we discussed my overall health and current medications. I have a scalp folliculitis (pimples on my scalp) that I have had for years. I take a penicillin tablet every night and that keeps it under control 99% of the time.

Also, I have high cholesterol. I have had that for most of my adult life. Actually, all of my adult life - for as long as I can remember. I haven't always taken very good care of it. In fact, I ignored it for many years. I was always of the opinion that I'd rather die of a massive heart attack than rot away of some other disease. (see what I get?)

About 5-6 years ago, I started taking Crestor for my cholesterol and it has worked exceptionally well. Because of my history of high cholesterol, the surgeon wanted to be sure that my heart function was normal. He ordered testing.

Yesterday, I underwent a chemical stress test of my heart. I was given a drug called "dobutamine" while hooked up to an EKG machine and while an unltrasound technician was taking pictures of my heart. Everything went well and the preliminary report was that everything checked out OK.

I am very glad that the nurse and technicians administering the test warned me about one specific side effect of the drug. While it is designed to make your heart beat faster and stronger - the desired effect, it also creates a VERY STRONG urge to urinate. Had they not warned me about this before the test, I'd have been off the table and headed to the nearest restroom. I have only experienced that same intensity related to the need to urinate when I have had a prostate infection (twice in my life).

I have more testing on Monday (blood) with hope that we can move ahead with the surgery on Wednesday. I'll update things when we have the results.



Benita said...

Hello, dearest Jim, Patti & family,
Happy birthday to Makell today! Wow, the big 18! We missed her at church today...we hope she has a peaceful day & that she feels of the Savior's love for her. And congratulations to Clayton on being ordained an Elder and on his mission call to serve in the MTC. That is awesome!
Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you all---especially this week with everything that will be going on.
We sure do love you guys & hope that a miracle is waiting around the corner for Jim's outcome.
With love, friendship, & lots of hugs,
Don, Benita, Kelli, Stephanie, Kyle, Jason, Bill & Aggie

pattycakesandmarmoo said...

Dear Jim and Patti,

We honestly haven't forgotten you ! We keep up with you through your blog and admire your courage and willingness to share and strengthen all of us with your blog. You are in our prayers every single day. You are missed in more ways than you will ever know. We pray that this surgery goes well and can be the turning point for you and your family.

Patrick and Marlene Box