Thursday, February 5, 2009


Hi to everyone. I am amazed by everyone's kindness and attention. I am often asked when I will again update this blog by family, friends, neighbors and even strangers. Thank you everyone. If by some small measure, someone is inspired or encouraged by what it written here, then this has been worth it.

Patti and I met with the cardiothoracic surgeon yesterday. I had a CT scan in the morning that showed only minimal changes in the existing lung tumors. There were no new lesions and no significant increase in size of any of the others.

The surgeon reviewed the CT images and then discussed his plan. Essentially, next week on the 11th, I'll go in for surgery. This will be at the University of Utah Medical Center in Salt Lake City. The caveat would be that my blood has to have recovered sufficiently by then to allow the surgery. If not, it will be put off until the next week, on the 18th.

He explained that the goal would be to survey the entire lung and remove any suspicious tissue and of course remove the obvious tumors. This would all be done through an incision about 5 inches long on the right side of my chest. I can expect to be in the hospital for 3 to 5 days and then in about a month, return for a repeat performance on the other side. The right side will be done first because that is where the largest tumor is. Check out the CT images posted previously.

It has been five weeks since my last chemotherapy. I am just now starting to feel like I have some strength coming back. Last week was totally exhausting. Each day is a little different. Some days are pretty good and some just aren't. I still have this nasty chemical taste in my mouth that is really annoying, but food is finally getting better and the nausea seems to be easing off some.

God bless you all. We will try to keep you posted on the developments as they unfold. On the day of surgery, I'll ask my son to post updates here to keep everyone posted on how the surgery is going.



Jordan said...

Thanks for the update! I am happy that you finally have a date for surgery and I hope that this will be a huge step on your path to recovery.

Kohl said...

I wish that I could be there with you Daddy for your surgery. I know that God is watching over you, and that you will come out all right, but I still wish I could be there to show my support. I love you!

DeAnn said...

So glad you are getting the surgery.
Can you have visitors in the hospital? Hang in there. Love you!