Monday, March 23, 2009

What a Weekend!!!

Hi everyone, this is Jen, Jim's daughter-in-law. Clint asked me if I would just give you a quick up date of what has happened since Saturday. I only know basics, so once Clint has rested enough, he'll fill you in on anything I miss.

On Saturday they turned Jim's SICU room into a make shift OR seeing he wasn't stable enough to move. He had a temperature of 104 and they thought that his central lines where the cause of his infection so they were able to successfully move all of the lines to the other side of his body.

Unfortunately this didn't help much and his blood pressure seemed to still struggle. The only thing that seemed to control his blood pressure was to give him more blood. They decided that he was loosing blood somewhere, they just weren't sure where the problem was. They had wanted to do a scan, but seeing he was so unstable they weren't able to move him. The Doctor was very concerned and Jim kept mouthing, "No more medicine!" When he was asked if it was his time to go, he just rolled his eyes and said, "No I have more of a mission."

Patti asked the doctor if it would be a good idea to get the rest of his family up to see him, and he highly recommended it. The doctor wasn't sure if he was going to make it through the night and told us if there was anyone who wanted to see him, they should come now. All of his siblings were able come up to the hospital, except for his sister Mel who is on vacation in the Philippines.

The SICU staff was kind enough to let bigger groups into see Jim, usually they only allow two people in the room at a time. Everyone was able to tell him that they love him and spend a little time with him. The immediate family was able to spend most of the night with him.

Despite Jim's condition Saturday night, I am pleased to tell you that he is still Jim. All night he was still cracking jokes and making funny comments. Even though it's hard at times to read his lips, we definitely know he still has his sense of humor. When Patti came back from the restroom once, he told her to not leave him again and that she should get a cathater put in her so she wouldn't have to leave again.

By 2:00am nothing major had changed, so we tried to get some sleep. All of his children and his spouse stayed the night, along with Melody's son Jordan. We slept (if you call it sleep) in the waiting room, some of us on chairs and other's on the floor. We all wanted to be there in case something happened. Patti stayed by his side all night and when she woke up from a little 30 minute nap, Jim told her not to do that again. He hasn't been able to sleep much since they took him off the sedation meds and he doesn't want to be left alone.

At 5:30 a.m. Jim was stable enough to move to get a CT Scan where they found the source of his bleeding. If I understand right it was in his thoracic cavity. The doctors were afraid to take him into surgery in case he couldn't handle it, but decided that it was better to take the risk then not.

We're so thankful that they did! Dr. Bull cauterized 50 capillaries on his lung which took care of the bleeding. He also took a look at his lungs and is very pleased with how they are healing. He said that usually when people have gone through what Jim has, the lungs are purple and not healthy looking. Jim's were pink and looked very healthy.

As Sunday went on Jim continued to get better and better. His blood pressure is higher than it has been since his last lung surgery, they have turned down the ventilator and he is breathing more on his own, and they have taken him off two of the four heart drugs he has been on (this is very good news because the drugs he has been on are damaging after long time use). By the end of the day they hope that he will be off all four meds.

We are just so happy that this miracle has happened. We know that things still aren't over, but being at the bottom and now working up, is a much needed change. We just hope that he keeps continuing to climb and that we don't see the bottom for a long time.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for everyone who has prayed for Jim and the family. We know that it's because of you that we've all been able to handle this situation. I have to apologize that I'm not as eloquent or as informative a writer as Jim or Clint. Clint spent the night in Jim's room last night so Patti could get some sleep and I offered to give an update so Clint could get some rest. Once he wakes up, and has received more information, I'll have him update you with the latest and correct any of my mistakes.

Thank you again for everything!


Monica Smead said...

I am SO relieved to hear that Jim is doing better. Thank you so much for the update. I have been checking the blog since I heard the disturbing news on Saturday night. You have all been in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there.


Monica Smead

Anonymous said...

Thankyou, Thankyou, thankyou, for all the updates. The whole family is constantly in my prayers. I love this man that is suffering so very much and pray for his recovery and for all of you to be comforted. Jim has been a great friend and please tell him I love him and miss our visits. He came and saw me before the trip to CA and I will always treasure that experience.

With Love and Prayers

Stan Kauffman

PS Mariah give me a call if you have the chance. 801-362-1845

Bro. K

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen. You're very elequent and so appreciate the update. As well as the good news. Thank you all for all you do. I can't wait to see Jim again.

Anonymous said...

I have known Jim for many years, I have worked with him in the early years of the AFPPA, I have gone to the new Temple in San Antonio with Jim and prayed with him. Jim is a tuff guy, he will fight and never give up, and if he looses the battle, it truly is God's will. I am very encouraged with his positive turn and will continue to pray for his recovery.

Jim, we all missed you in Orlando. The presentation you gave on "Procedures in Primary Care" on Saturday, March 14th, using me as your speaker and Chuck Moxin as your assistant, went very well and had very positive comments from the 25 or so attendees. The honorarium you earned from that presentation you created and directed is being sent to you. OH, by the way, a scholarship fund named for you and your dedication to the PA profession is being set up.

Alexis, Candice, Carolina, Lola and Chica are all looking forward to having a BBQ meal with you in Phoenix this Fall!!

Later Alligator

You’re Friend & Colleague


Tom said...

It's good to hear from you. Even if it isn't in the best of circumstances. When Tom was during his PA rotation with Jim at Timpanogos Family. Jim was such a great teacher. Also, he would tell us what you were up too. (I still remember going VT with you in Lindon-great times)

Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. As many have already mentioned we are relieved that he is doing a little bit better.

Charlene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Charlene said...

Jim is indeed fighting the good fight!

A James Meeks Scholarship will indeed be a fitting tribute to Jim and his contributions to AFPPA!

God bless Jim and his Family!

March 24, 2009 4:45 AM

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your updates! You are all in my heart & prayers. Jim continues to be my inspiration.
Jody Agins

The LeMoyne Boyer Family said...

Thanks for the update. Glad Jim's health is improving. He is such a character! It's good to know he has not lost his sense of humor. Everyone's prayers continue to be answered. We continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.

Benita said...

Wow, what an answer to our prayers! Jim is right, he still has more of a mission to fulfill & more work to do here. He is SO strong and such an example to us all. We are so thankful to know him & to be able to have him in our lives. We can't wait to give him a BIG hug & tell him how amazing he is.
Thank you, Jen, for this update. You did a beautiful job. We love you all so much & continue to keep you in our thoughts & prayers.
Love always,
Don & Benita & family
Bill & Aggie

Liz Washburn said...

Now THAT'S a miracle!
I'm so happy to hear this good news! Keep getting better and keep fighting, Bishop Meeks! You can do it!

Liz Washburn said...

PS, Bishop -- that last comment was from me, Liz Olmo (now Washburn). Don't know if you remember me, but you do have lots of followers!

Bob said...

Thank you for the update, Jen. Melody called Sunday night from the Philippines to make arrangements to fly to SLC on Monday. While I was trying to arrange her flights, Jane and Jordan called and said Jim had improved and that the doctors had found the source of the infection. Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with Jim, Patty and your family.

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear the great news today that Jim is doing so much better. Thanks for the update, Jenn. Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with all of you. Love, Aunt Iris & Family

lynn fautin said...