Monday, July 21, 2008

Hi everybody. We are most thankful to everyone for their continued prayers and well wishes. Thank you so much.

My daughter, her husband and their two children brought me a wonderful bear while I was in the hospital recovering from the surgery. It is absolutely amazing. Watch the video above to see what I am talking about.

I had my appointments at the hospital today (surgeon and oncologist). A CT scan was done of my chest, but official results weren't available at the time of the doctor's appointment. However, they did say that from their viewing of it that there didn't appear to be any new lesions and that the previous lesions hadn't grown very much. That sounds great to me.

The surgery appears to have been very successful. The pathology report indicates that all surgical margins were clear of cancer all be it by 1mm in places. The surgeon explained that to get the preferred 3cm margins in this surgery, my entire right arm and the right side of my chest wall would have to have been removed. That would have been a very drastic procedure and difficult to survive. He feels that the fact that I still have a functional arm and the surgical margins are clear is a wonderful achievement given the circumstances.

We now are facing more chemotherapy to go after the cancer in my lungs. It will be the same as before. Hospital admission for 5 days of continuous infusion every three weeks for a total of four sessions. After the second session, they will do another chest CT to see what the lesions are doing.

We are looking forward to getting all of this over with. Your continued prayers, kind thoughts and support in so many ways is sincerely appreciated.

Jim & Patti.


Susan said...

Good News. Glad to hear it. Our prayers are ALWAYS with you. Love you!

Jordan said...

Ha, I love the bear!

Anonymous said...

Dear Jim and family,
Congratulations on your 30th anniversary and also on your completion of one round of therapy. I love the bear too. It put in me a great mood-listening to the music. I sure hope our paths cross sometime soon! Good luck with the lung treatment. Regards, Mimi