Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Metastatic Cancer

Hi everyone! Just an update from yesterday's posting. I obtained a copy of the CT scan report. Essentially, it shows that while I was being treated with radiation (focused on the primary tumor), the cancer in my lungs has continued to grow. As I stated yesterday, I'll be going into the cancer hospital for aggressive chemotherapy starting on August 4th, 5 days at a time every three weeks. This is what I have feared most. I don't like feeling sick and I didn't like how I felt last time when they did this chemotherapy. At least, I know what to expect this time. So much for my hair growing back.

Here is the technical part of the CT scan report dealing with my lungs, for anyone interested:

Again demonstrated are innumerable soft tissue densities: Nodules
scattered randomly throughout both lungs. These are increased in size
and number when compared to the prior examination. There is an 18 mm x
21 mm right upper lobe subpleural nodule noted on image 15 which
measure 13 mm by 14 mm on the prior study. At 18 mm in diameter left
upper lobe of subpleural pulmonary nodule on image 15 measured 5 mm
previously. There is a lingular pulmonary nodule measuring 12 mm in
diameter on axial image 26 which measures 6 mm previously. There is a
right middle lobe pulmonary nodule on axial image 36 which measures 10
mm in diameter on today's study, which was not well seen on the prior
study. A 10 mm in diameter left lower lobe nodule on axial image 55
measured 4 mm previously. Innumerable other smaller nodules
demonstrate interval increase in size or interval development compared
to prior study. This no evidence of pneumothorax. There is no

Again, I can only repay your kindness and prayers with thanks. I do thank everyone for their love.



Anonymous said...

I used to know this guy that told me "wheatgrass cured my prostate cancer" so one day I googled wheatgrass and cancer. This is a website that came up and thought it was very informative. Who knows if wheatgrass can cure cancer but this website sure does put up a good fight! Just thought I would share it with you!


Anonymous said...

We all love you, Jim, and we are with you 100+%. Keep up the good fight and stay positive. Attitude can really make a difference and you definitely are a great example of that. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you everyday.
With love and friendship,
Don, Benita, Kelli, Stephanie, Kyle, Jason, Bill & Aggie

Shauna said...


We were remembering you in our prayers tonight as we always do, and it occurred to me to google your name to see if anyone knew how you were doing. Imagine my surprise when I found this site!

Marvin, Ari, and I think of you often with love and hope that this next round of chemo is not as difficult as the last. We admire your strength, your faith, and your positive attitude. Thank you so very much for all you have done for us in the years we've known you. Gabriel would join us, but he's not quite old enough to know what's going on. He turns one this week . . . which means your granddaughter recently turned one!

I get to chat with Mariah (sp?) occasionally, but not often enough.

Please know we love you and pray for you daily.

Love, Shauna and Marvin Sanders

sleddysanders@hotmail.com or sleddysanders@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Get off your duff and get back to work! Geez, some folks will do anything to get out of work. You're a slacker from way back!

Take care, keep up the good fight.

(PA Classmate)
Bill Wegesser PA-C
LDSH Hyperbaric Medicine

Mike Gallagher said...


We miss and love you. i just found out about this blog sorry this is only my first time posting. we have been praying for you and can't wait to see you again. your progress has been amazing, your additude and spirit are a true testement of the Lord's work in your life. You have been a blessing to our family and we will continue to pray for you and your family

Mike, Nalani, Brian and Speck Gallagher