Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Surgery, Play by Play

This will be a running update of today's events as they progress. Each time something changes or we hear from the surgery team, I'll post it here so that all of you can stay up to date. I just want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone for your constant and continued support. I know my parents have felt an overwhelming sense of love and compassion from friends, family, co-workers, etc. So many people have expressed their concern for my dad's welfare and are praying for him. My dad mentioned last night that so many people from so many different faiths have been praying for him that the only way he won't recover is if that is God's will. It is difficult to tell all of you how much all of this has meant to us as a family, but I do want to express appreciation on behalf of all of Jim's family - thank you very much.


This is a picture of the tumor after it was removed. The ruler above it is 1 foot in length!
  • 7:00 p.m. - Dr. Randall just came out and spoke with us. Patti is very relieved - she has been pacing in anticipation for the last 45 minutes to an hour. Overall, the surgery went well. Dr. Randall is very pleased with the outcome, especially considering the size of the tumor and how it was wrapped around so many nerves. He said there were only two nerves damaged in the removal, both of which tie into back muscles. The only difficulty Jim should have as a result is doing pull-ups – which I doubt he has even attempted in the last twenty years. :-) The OR just called and said we could go wait for him in his room. So, the next post should be from Jim himself. Thanks again for all of the support – we're all very excited to have this behind us.
  • 5:20 p.m. - A nurse just came out and let us know that the tumor has been removed and that they are now closing, which will take about an hour. After that is done, the surgeon (Dr. Randall) will come and let us know more of the details.
  • 3:23 p.m. - We just received the first call from the OR. The surgery has started and everything is going well so far.
  • 2:00 p.m. - They just kicked all of us out of the pre-admit room and took Jim to the OR. We have been told that the procedure could take anywhere from 2 to 5 hours. The OR nurse will call with updates every so often. Jim has been in a great mood the whole time – completely relaxed, joking around with his providers and generally just being himself. Patti is nervous but is holding up extremely well.
  • 12:55 p.m. - A nurse is in the room trying to start an IV on his left arm, but struggling.
  • 11:35 a.m. - We are in pre-admit room three, on the third floor of the Huntsman Cancer Hospital. Jim has changed into a gown and stockings and is waiting for an IV.


Tom said...

Jim, we are glad to hear that you have been taken care of. We are praying for you and will continue to keep you at the front of our thoughts.

The Roz's said...

I'm glad to see all went well yesterday. We look forward to the next post. You are all in our prayers! Lots of love to you all.

LTC James said...

I continue to be amazed how you are hanging in there. Stay positive, and thanks for your service...from all your peers
LTCJamesChristensen PA-C